Association of citizens of Italian descent

Rino Zandonai Tuzla

Club Trentino
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Address: Mitra Trifunovića Uče 135,
75,000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 62 335 930
ID 4209628010006

Bank account: UNION BANKA, 1027090000018147
Other payments:
IBAN: BA391027090000018147

PADOR BA-2020-APP-0705174316
PIC: 893470687

The event in Tuzla brought together a large number of citizens of Tuzla, as well as officials who, by their presence, showed their commitment to the events of preserving the tradition and culture of Italians and other national minorities in Tuzla. Mayor of Tuzla, Ph.D. Zijad Lugavić opened the event and in his address thanked the association of Italians for 15 years running the event, which has become a tradition in Tuzla. He emphasized that it is a unique event that provides citizens with the opportunity to enjoy the wealth of Italian culinary tradition, and this year also Italian ice cream. He said, "We once again showed that Tuzla is a city of diversity, common life and that this kind of life is possible only in our Tuzla."

The mayor also welcomed Minister Sevlid Hurtić, who with his presence gave significance to the event, stressing the importance of support from the state level. The Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose responsibility includes national minorities, emphasized the need for such manifestations, as well as the satisfaction that the Ministry supported the project of the association of Italians from Tuzla for the production of Italian folk costumes. He showed a genuine interest in improving the activities of national minority associations and gave an incentive to apply for public calls within which the Ministry finances projects of interest to the community, which have practical value.

On behalf of the Italian Embassy, Righelli Riccardo, in charge of cultural aspects of the Embassy in Sarajevo, greeted the guests present at Freedom Square. Righelli expressed his satisfaction that he is at the event that promotes the cultural and traditional values of Italy in a beautiful light, and that there is an active association of Italians in Tuzla. His satisfaction is visible in the joint photo with members of the association and participants of the Day of Italian Cuisine and Ice Cream in Tuzla 2024.