Association of citizens of Italian descent

Rino Zandonai Tuzla

Club Trentino
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Address: Mitra Trifunovića Uče 135,
75,000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 62 335 930
ID 4209628010006

Bank account: UNION BANKA, 1027090000018147
Other payments:
IBAN: BA391027090000018147

PADOR BA-2020-APP-0705174316
PIC: 893470687

Association of citizens of Italian origin "Rino Zandonai" Tuzla, Archive of Tuzla Canton and Facebook group "Tuzla - return to the past" organized an exhibition of photos, documents and maps of construction buildings under the name "Building legacy of Italians in Bosnia and Herzegovina". The exhibition presents buildings built by Italian masters during the Austro-Hungarian rule and in the period up to World War II. The exhibition will be held in the Archives of the Tuzla Canton, Wednesday, August 21, 2024. at 2 p.m., and closes on September 2, 2024. The exhibition was opened by the founder of the Facebook group "Tuzla return to the past", Zoran Tarade, via video message, and the director of the TK Archive, Mr. sc. Omer Zulić, mayor of Tuzla, dr. Zijad Lugavić and President of UGIP "Rino Zandonai" Tuzla Tihomir Knežiček. The exhibition contains photographs, postcards and documents about the construction projects of entrepreneurs of Italian origin Cordignano, Candotti, Mott, Gojo, Piccolotti and Bancher. Impressive buildings for public, private, religious and business purposes were built mostly in the urban core of the city - the Great Gymnasium, the Catholic Church, the District Post Office (destroyed buildings due to land subsidence), the City Fountain in Tuzla, Turbe near the Polish Mosque, the Trade Academy in Tuzla, Jalska mosque (renovation), Serbian Fund building in Tuzla, Johan Merver's house in Tuzla, "Čik" building in Tuzla, Gamber's house in Tuzla, Croatian home in Tuzla, Goldstein's commercial building in Tuzla, Cordignano and Candotti family houses, Mott house near Gradski park in Tuzla, the house of Sijerčić, the "twin" houses on Goli Brije Tuzla, the mosque in Šerići, the chapel in Poljana - Kiseljak near Tuzla, the monastery in Plehan, the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Brčko and the Catholic Church in Sivša. The exhibition also presented a georeferenced plan of the city of Tuzla from 1955 and 2024, showing the positions of the objects that are the subject of the exhibition - especially the objects that were demolished due to land subsidence. The exhibition is financed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and supported by the Center for Creative Photography Tuzla and Rudarsko projektovanje doo Tuzla.
You can view the virtual exhibition "Building legacy of Italians in Bosnia and Herzegovina". HERE.