Association of citizens of Italian descent

Rino Zandonai Tuzla

Club Trentino
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Address: Mitra Trifunovića Uče 135,
75,000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 62 335 930
ID 4209628010006

Bank account: UNION BANKA, 1027090000018147
Other payments:
IBAN: BA391027090000018147

PADOR BA-2020-APP-0705174316
PIC: 893470687


Association of citizens of Italian origin "Rino Zandonai" Tuzla is named after the Trentino humanist named Rino Zandoai.

Rino did not like to talk about himself or his family. Nevertheless, he allowed those strong feelings to be felt, which he jealously guarded, and which determined his behavior, and which he transferred to his daily work, even to the people he met, especially people in difficulties. He was born on June 28, 1949 in Pedersan, Villa Lagarina municipality. He was the fourth of nine brothers. He lost his father at an early age, and the care of the family fell on his mother. Those were difficult years for Rin.

After elementary school, he attended grammar school with the Kombonians, a church order that prepared students to become priests or missionaries. It wasn't the life path he expected, so he left high school before graduating and privately passed his law school exams. In 1971, he emigrated to Liez, in Belgium. Immediately after graduation, he gained his first work experience at Roveret. He went on to Liez, where his uncle lived, and did well there. Thanks to his knowledge of the French language, he entered the list of Italian language teachers abroad. For about 19 years, he taught the children of emigrants in Liez. He soon became a union leader, at a time when teachers abroad were fighting for a collective labor agreement. With great courage, he organized excursions for groups of 200 to 250 students, taking on himself all the responsibility. He never stopped teaching, and he considered contact with students and their families to be his main task. For all that generosity, he did not always receive adequate recognition. But that did not discourage him from following the path he considered right for his students. He participated as a trade union delegate at the First National Conference of Emigrants held in Rome in 1975. He was a member of the association Trentini nel mondo in Liège and the Unaie of Belgium.

In 1990, he was invited to manage the association Trentini nel mondo, replacing Rodolfo Abramo. From Belgium, where he had already married and had 2 daughters, Laura and Deborah, he returned to Pedersano. The association Trentini nel Mondo was already spread around the world, relying only on a director and one full-time employee. Those were the years of change. The Autonomous Province of Trento advocates for the implementation of solidarity projects and the development of cooperation with clubs in Latin America - Argentina and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was an improvement in the quality of work and the beginning of a period of constant growth of the association. As the number of activities grew, so did the need to strengthen ties with similar associations and clubs. It was necessary to establish relations with associations and institutions in countries where Trentino associations or clubs worked. The number of associations and federations grew and reached the number of 252. And the structure of the association had to be adapted to potential new demands and tasks. In the association Trentini nel Mondo, the role of the director is central because it represents continuity, a permanent point of coordination of activities. And Rino lived his role completely, sacrificing beyond measure. Present at the meetings of the association, at the manifestations of the association all over the world, at projecting tasks, at seminars or celebrations, at schools that promoted research into the history of Trentino, at the ministry for residence and citizenship problems, a cheerful entertainer and a catalyst of interest.

During the war in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, he traveled countless times in situations where he was in real and serious danger to his life, in order to bring the most important necessities, especially medicines, to our communities. He paid great attention to the refugees from that war, and since 2002 to the returnees from Argentina who lost everything during the great economic crisis. Under his management, Trentini nel Mondo was among the founders of ATAS (Association of Trentino Reception of Foreigners), where he accepted the position of vice-president. He never abandoned his mission as a teacher, ensuring his presence in schools that promoted research on Trentino emigration. He strongly encouraged the learning of the Italian language, and found opportunities for language courses to take place continuously.

He knew thousands of people and all presidents of associations and federations of associations. He addressed everyone with ti, he pleased everyone and was in love with the association. He suffered every time unfounded criticism threatened his prestige. Aware of his role, he fought for the Association to receive the recognition he thought it deserved, never for himself. He was calm and did not want to emphasize his service and the salary for that same service, a salary that was always modest in relation to the effort involved.

He left a huge void in his family, in the Association, in the Trentino community and among his friends. He leaves a legacy of friendship, bonds of solidarity, started and unfinished projects. It will be impossible to reassemble all the fragments of his relationships and acquaintances. Many questions will remain unanswered, many meetings canceled, but the legacy is not lost. Tuzla contributed to the humanist Rina's memory, and chose his name for the name of the association.

He stayed in Tuzla several times. He came to the opening of the association's premises in Miladije. He opened the space in the company of the mayor of the municipality, Jasmin Imamović. He came to important gatherings and meetings, participated in the work of the Assembly of the association in 2010, and in every way left a visible mark of his humanitarian work.

This is Rino Zandonai.

Text translated from Italian by Dragan Vasilj.